True community is in short supply these days. Many lead lonely, isolated lives, even living and working among so many other people.
Here at St. John’s we seek to be the kind of community that Jesus wants: a people called and gathered by His living voice in preaching and Holy Baptism; a people united in heart and mind and mouth, speaking back to God in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving the very words He has first spoken to us by His Son; a people who are members not of a club but of one another, sharing together in the Holy Communion of our Lord’s true Body and Blood; a people who rejoice together, suffer together, and seek to lighten the burdens others are carrying; a people who carry the Lord Jesus in their own bodies out into their neighborhoods, living in generosity and giving a winsome witness to Christ. This is the mature community we seek to be as Jesus continually bids us to follow him. Come and see!
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.