New participants are always welcome to these ministries. Along with the activities listed here, there are many other opportunities to serve our Lord, please ask!
For more information see special notes in each section or contact the church office at 235-3416 ext. 0 or email
Acolytes are young people who have begun or completed catechism instruction. They serve God's people in the liturgy by carrying out appropriate responsibilities which the pastor assigns as needed.
Contact Pastor Andrew Kennell through the church office at 235-3416 or email for more information.
A group of dedicated ladies rotate duties monthly to prepare the altar, pulpit and lectern with hangings appropriate for the church season. They clean the communion service and take care of altar cloths each Sunday. Volunteers receive training and written instructions and usually work in pairs.
Members from St. John’s volunteer on Tuesdays at Trinity Lutheran in Freistatt to help create bibles in braille using specialized templates. Braille workers hold morning and afternoon sessions with participants from our congregation, Trinity, St. John’s Lutheran in Purdy and other community volunteers.
The bulletin helpers assist the church secretary in preparing bulletins each week.
St. John’s choir, under the direction of John Cook (Music Director and Organist), adds special music to several services throughout the year. Practices are held during Advent and Lent after the Wednesday evening services and as needed for other events. Music presented sometimes includes soloists and special musical instruments in addition to the beautiful voices raised in praise to our Lord.
Each year our Christmas Decorating Committee faithfully brings the beauty of greenery and glow of lights to our sanctuary and entrance to the church with a lovely 15-foot high tree and gorgeous wreathes.
Each Sunday, members and visitors to St. John’s are met with the smiling faces, warm hugs and handshakes of our troupe of greeters. Visitors are welcomed to sign our Guest Book and get to know these and other members of our church. Greeters are scheduled for just a few Sundays throughout the year.
For more information, contact Lee Cantrell at 417-236-0400 or
Offering Counters assist the church by counting and recording the offering after services when a collection is taken. Pre-printed forms and a computer log are kept and passed on to the church secretary.
These dedicated members work with the Board of Evangelism to prepare and deliver Sunday School classes to our youth. Learning through bible study, crafts and other activities is fun for all but with a deeper meaning in bringing our children up in Christ.
At each service two more smiling faces greet everyone as our ushers welcome you to the sanctuary. These gentlemen hand out bulletins, assist with seating, collect offering, guide communicants to the altar and take care of dismissal at the end of each service. Training is available and new ushers are always welcome.
To learn more, contact Harold Lampe at 417-235-5838 or 417-669-1912 and by email at
St. John’s focuses on the melding of generations bringing members of all ages together for activities ranging from church fund raisers, fall wiener roasts and other activities to opportunities for learning service and volunteering. A recent project for the youth is the creation of an activities room in the church basement.
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